Solar Eclipse in Scorpio ~ November 13, 2012

n August, the Moon’s nodes changed signs, with the North Node leaving Sagittarius for Scorpio, and the South Node occupying the opposing sign of Taurus after making an exit from Gemini. Their previous zodiacal homes gave rise to eclipses colored by a combination of mutable/positive energy, the last of which occurred in June 2012, both characteristic of the two signs. This trend began in December 2010 and now, two years later, we’re beginning to see a transition from this masculine, changeable dynamic into fixed/negative influences.

This month’s New Moon occurs Nov. 13, 2012 at 21° 57’ Scorpio, becoming exact at 5:08 p.m. EST. Since this New Moon (a conjunction of the Sun and Moon along the ecliptic) occurs less than 5 degrees away from the North Node, sitting at 26° 3’ Scorpio, this phenomenon is categorized as a Total Solar Eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse is a powerful New Moon that occurs within 18° 31’ of the North or South Node, while a Total Solar Eclipse takes place between 0 ° and 9° 57’ of either of the Moon’s nodes. (Conversely, a Lunar Eclipse’s orbs are much tighter at 0° to 3° 45’ for totality.) The Lunar Nodes are points across the ecliptic (the Sun’s path), which the Moon crosses during its orbit.  During a Total Solar Eclipse, the Moon completely covers the solar disk of the Sun from the Earth’s perspective, although this particular Eclipse will only be visible from the South Pacific and Australia.

This is the first New or Full Moon we’ve experienced while the nodes were in Scorpio since November 1994, while the last Scorpio Lunar Eclipses we’ve seen occurred from 2003-05, when the nodes were transiting the sign of Taurus, Scorpio’s opposite.

Earlier this year, we experienced another powerful transit of the Moon in Scorpio, when it opposed the Taurus Sun during the Super Moon (a Lunar Eclipse) of May 5 that occurred at 16° of the sign. As mentioned in my post on the Super Moon:

Scorpio governs areas of sex, death and rebirth, divorce, and big financial situations involving other people’s money – loans, settlements, inheritances, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, as well as your partner’s income. It is also the sign of the Moon’s fall, and feelings are often hidden but intense when the Moon is transiting this area of the zodiac.

While fixed qualities are known for being stubborn and resistant to change, negative polarities absorb external energies and react to circumstances and their environments. This will very much be necessary during this transit as changes that occur as a result of this Solar Eclipse are invariably beyond recall. Since this eclipse takes place conjunct the North Node, which represents the future, this transit moves us forward and can bring fated encounters and experiences.

The Eclipse is largely unaspected, aside from a semi-sextile from Venus sitting at 19° 59’ Libra, which emphasizes the need for adjustment at this time. As a result, this Eclipse will, for the most part, only activate the charts of those with natal planets or angles near 22° of fixed signs, particularly those born within four days of November 13 or May 3. Venus’s transit of the Eclipse degree on December 9 will likely mark a trigger point for those impacted by this Eclipse. (Sometimes, a natal planet is only activated by an Eclipse, signifying a major event when transited by another planet at a later date.)

Others with planets in Scorpio and the fixed signs who aren’t impacted this time around may find next year’s Eclipses touch on natal planets before the North Node leaves Scorpio for Libra in February 2014.

2013 Eclipse Dates:
April 25 at 4:07 p.m. EDT ~ Partial Lunar Eclipse at 5° 51’ Scorpio
May 9 at 10:55 p.m. EDT ~ Annular Solar Eclipse at 19° 33’ Taurus
May 25 at 12:10 a.m. EDT ~ Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 3° 58’ Sagittarius
October 18 at 7:50 p.m. EDT ~ Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 25° 51’ Taurus
November 3 at 7:46 a.m. EST ~ Total Solar Eclipse at 11° 16’ Scorpio

Read on for a house-by-house interpretation on how this Eclipse affects each sign. You can cast your individual birth chart if you’re unsure of where 22 degrees Scorpio falls in your horoscope.


Scorpio: Solar Eclipse in the 1st House
This period will highlight the self, and you may be feeling the urge to reinvent your self-image. First house transits indicate personal development, which can lead to change in either physical or internal realms. Because Scorpio deals with the psychological rather than the superficial, this will likely lead to more subtle changes bubbling up beneath the surface and could even result in an identity crisis before full potential of the self is realized. This Solar Eclipse also possesses rejuvenative properties, so you will likely feel a sense of self-renewal during this time.

Libra: Solar Eclipse in the 2nd House
The second house relates to value, whether in tangible or intangible form. Issues of security and self-worth crop up at this time, while serious Saturn in the second house adds to the focus on resources and wealth or lack thereof. Use this time to find new ways of income and reassess the importance you place on material possessions. Scorpio energy is incompatible with shallow acquisition of personal property and wealth, so ensure your principles and morals are solid during this transit. This Eclipse has the ability to transform your earned income sector, so don’t hesitate to ask for a raise if you feel one is owed.

Virgo: Solar Eclipse in the 3rd House
The third house relates to communications, ideas, contractual agreements, writing, transport and the gathering of information. With the Moon in the house of rational thought, emotions will be on the mind. This is the time to communicate your feelings to those around you, whether through the written word or verbally, and try to find reason behind oftentimes illogical feelings. This period is the time to sign any outstanding contracts or agreements, or send out any written correspondence during this phase. If you’ve considered enrolling in a course or taking a short trip, this may be the time it finally transpires. Increased mental and communicative activities are common during this phase. Those with siblings or cousins will likely notice a change in these relationships as the New Moon highlights third house themes.

Leo: Solar Eclipse in the 4th House
This Solar Eclipse brings Leo’s attention back to the home after a period of outward focus aimed at furthering the career and public image. Domestic matters take precedence now, find this New Moon to be very beneficial regarding real estate (buying or selling a home, redecorating or moving). If you’re not looking at changing homes, domestic and family matters will still likely be at the forefront right now.

Cancer: Solar Eclipse in the 5th House
Occurring in your fifth house of creativity, romance and children, this Solar Eclipse marks an ideal time to start a new romance, creative endeavour, plan a party, or try to conceive. This influence ushers in a period where pleasure, fun and creativity take center stage for you.

Gemini: Solar Eclipse in the 6th House
Solar Eclipse in the house of health is an ideal time to start a new fitness program or diet, which have a greater chance at producing the desired results at this time of year for you, Gemini. Ensure any lingering health concerns are addressed at this time, or schedule your annual physical if it’s that time of year. You may also set a new daily routine for yourself or lifestyle change, as well as experience changes in the workplace since the sixth house also deals with work and daily affairs. You may consider beginning a search for new employment or a job offer or promotion could present itself at this time.

Taurus: Solar Eclipse in the 7th House
One-on-one relationships are brought to the fore with a Solar Eclipse in the seventh house, which highlights both business and romantic partnerships. You could be committing to a romantic partner under this influence, or it could mark the initiation of a new endeavour you’re taking on with your spouse. Attorneys, managers, agents and other representatives also fall under the realm of the seventh house, so beginning one of these working relationships is also possible at this time. This is an ideal time to renew existing relationships as well.

Aries: Solar Eclipse in the 8th House
A Solar Eclipse in the eighth house boasts strong transformative properties that often lead to self-empowerment and control. There can be financial motivations at play where this house is concerned, particularly with shared resources, either in business or marriage. The eighth is also the house of sex, death and rebirth, so don’t be afraid to explore the deeper and darker facets of life.

Pisces: Solar Eclipse in the 9th House
The energy of a Solar Eclipse in the ninth houses encourages Pisceans to go beyond mundane affairs and explore matters of higher learning, religion and philosophical endeavours. This energy forces you to open your mind to new experiences, leaving old patterns of belief that no longer serve you behind. This is a time to embrace your adventurous side, wrap up legal matters or projects related to publishing and broadcasting. You may decide to pursue higher education, take an interest in religion, learn a foreign language or travel overseas. You may also find this is an ideal time to address legal matters or any projects related to publishing and broadcasting.

Aquarius: Solar Eclipse in the 10th House
You’re in the limelight right now and there’s no better time of the year to put your name out there and gain public recognition for your efforts and achievements. You may enter a new position or receive a promotion at work, or begin a new phase in your career. Your reputation is gaining attention and momentum so go forward with any business ideas and proposals now, when they’re most likely to take off.

Capricorn: Solar Eclipse in the 11th House
Friendships, associations and group activities will color this new phase for Capricorns, who will be ready to network and socialize during this period after a period of career-. You’re more social than at other times of the year during this transit and will likely establish a new friendship, join a group or association, or perhaps take up a cause at this time.

Sagittarius: Solar Eclipse in the 12th House
You’ll find yourself feeling more introspective and introverted than usual during this period, when the Moon tours the house of solitude, the subconscious and secrets. As the Sun illuminates the twelfth house, you may find yourself retreating from reality and finding solace in escapism and solitude. Use this time to recharge, making your psychological and physical health a priority.


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