Mars in Capricorn ~ November 16, 2012

The planet of action and energy enters the sign of its exaltation on November 16, 2012 at 9:36 p.m. EST, when it begins a six-week stay in Capricorn. The ruler of Aries (and Scorpio, traditionally), Mars transits are high activity times ideal for initiating new projects and phases related to the house it occupies.

The adverse characteristics of Mars are restlessness, anger, frustration and violence, while the God of War (also known as the lesser malefic) also rules enthusiasm, drive, self-assertion, confidence, sexuality and male fertility, passion, impulse, desire, war, blood and accidents. Because Capricorn is the sign of Mars’ exaltation, the planet is well placed and given strength by its position during this transit. Exaltations occur when a planet occupies a sign that is compatible with its qualities and indicates an affinity between two ruling planets.

Capricorn governs areas of career and business, public image, authority, rules, hard work, longevity, commitment, endurance, discipline, responsibility and tradition. Mars in Capricorn breeds leadership and physical strength, which is expressed in a more controlled manner than when in dignity (Aries). While Mars wants immediate results for any effort expended, Capricorn energy is more patient and emphasizes long-term goals and achievements. Put simply, Mars in Capricorn results in focused action. However, with Mercury direct until November 26, patience may be required as projects will likely take longer than usual before they begin to manifest results or even take effect.

During its tour of Capricorn, Mars will tap into the Pluto-Uranus square when it forms a 90° angle to Uranus in Aries, its sign of dignity, on November 23, and then aligns with Pluto on November 28 at 8° of Capricorn. This window will likely bring tension and conflict to all of our lives, on both a personal and global level.

Mars was caught in the midst of a near-perfect T-square with these two planets in mid-July during its transit through Libra. Recall the international headlines of the time and you’ll remember hearing about conflict in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Tajikistan. Most of the blame here can be attributed to the other two planets, Uranus and Pluto, which won’t come to an exact square again until May 2013. But this gives you an idea of how Martian tempers flare when it touches underlying issues of tension and struggle.

Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on December 26. Read on for a house-by-house interpretation on how this transit affects each sign. You can cast your individual birth chart if you’re unsure of where Capricorn falls in your horoscope.


Mars Transiting the 1st House: Capricorn
This marks the beginning of a new two-year cycle as Mars enters the first house, its traditional and natural position in the chart, also known as accidental dignity. A tour of the first house indicates a high-energy period of action and activity. This is a time of personal advancement and development. You will come off as more aggressive than usual during this period, and can use others’ perception of you as a leader to your advantage while being careful as to not appear domineering and argumentative. Capricorns thrive on control, and this transit gives you just that. The people around you are more likely to take notice and stand in line, so assert your authority.

Mars Transiting the 2nd House: Sagittarius
The most compulsive house of the 12, this area of the chart regulates earned income, possessions and values. Mars’ presence here adds to the impulsive tendency of the house, which can lead to an outflow of cash and higher than normal spending, while Capricorn is associated with all that is “dry”. Use this transit to your advantage, giving extra attention to yearly quotas where possible and making yourself privy to end-of-year bonuses for a little added income. Use Capricorn’s influences to think long-term regarding financial planning, and find value in restraint and delayed gratification.

Mars Transiting the 3rd House: Scorpio
The third house governs communications, information, contractual agreements, correspondence, siblings, neighbor, transportation and short trips. Mars’s presence here will speed the pace of daily affairs and your immediate environment will be bustling. Channel Capricorn control at this time, choosing words carefully since you may come off as rash and confrontational. Also be careful with travel since accidents could result from reckless mobility. While a new contract may also be initiated during this phase, take heed of Mercury’s retrograde and shadow periods, ending December 17.

Mars Transiting the 4th House: Libra
With Mars in the fourth house, you will experience high levels of activity within the home, possibly resulting in confrontations with family or roommates. Be as accommodating as possible during this phase, using your overflowing energy to tie up loose ends around the home, renovating or redecorating. The early days of this transit may also result in conflict with co-workers and bosses as Mars opposes the Midheaven.

Mars Transiting the 5th House: Virgo
The planet of passion and desire tours the house of romance for Virgos, indicating a surge in sexual drive and physical energy. You’ll be expending your energy through fun, games and sport. Also the house of creativity, you’re at your most expressive and will find creative energy will flow at this time. Watch out for ego drives, which you may be prone to, but enjoy this period before Mars enters the more monotonous sixth house of work and daily routines.

Mars Transiting the 6th House: Leo
Coming off of a period of fun, passion and self-gratification, this transit is best utilized by throwing oneself into work and mundane affairs, as well as taking pride in a job well done. But while Mars is most interested in serving the ego and selfish desires, the sixth house governs area of service of others. Expend any untapped energy through physical activity, taking care of health, which can be compromised by fever and rashes under Mars’ influence.

Mars Transiting the 7th House: Cancer
A Mars transit through the house of marriage and one-on-one relationships often brings unresolved grievances to the surface, resulting in conflict with partners, whether romantic or business-related. Mars naturally belongs in the first house where the self and individual needs reign supreme, so it’s uncomfortable here where joint needs often result in self-sacrifice and compromise. Also the house of open enemies, arguments with rivals can result if accommodations are not made.

Mars Transiting the 8th House: Gemini
This area of your chart governs loans, settlements, inheritances, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, as well as your partner’s income. Disagreements about shared resources with a partner can result, particularly if your partner has not managed his or her finances properly. Transactions related to other people’s money will be fraught with difficulty at this time, so beware if applying for loans or purchasing insurance. Since the eighth house also governs your sexual attitudes, you may find these activities as a way of feeding your ego or experience an insatiable thirst for passion at this time.

Mars Transiting the 9th House: Taurus
Mars will turn your attention to long distance travel, higher learning and abstract concepts such as philosophy and religion. You’ll be more inclined to spread your own personal philosophies to others during this transit, and may come across as stubborn in conversations regarding beliefs, possibly resulting in disagreements about religion, culture or philosophy. Also the house governing the courts and judicial affairs, this transit could point toward legal troubles that are not likely to go in your favor until Mars enters the 10th house.

Mars Transiting the 10th House: Aries
Your chart ruler, Mars is at home in the house of fame and honors, and since Mars’s placement in a chart indicates an area of activity, you’ll likely be busy on the career front as you invest your energy into furthering yourself professionally. Mars’ ego-centric ideals are more than happy to receive praise and advancement in exchange for a job well done, but beware of stepping on any co-workers toes at this time.

Mars Transiting the 11th House: Pisces
Your attention shifts from the self to the collective as Mars leaves the 10th house for the 11th, where groups and associations take on a greater presence in day-to-day affairs. This is the time to take stock of all that you have achieved since Mars entered Pisces in February 2011. Have you accomplished what you set out to do at that time? If not, reassess the path in which you’d like to travel using all that you’ve learned over the past 21 months to tune your compass in the right direction. Establish your hopes and dreams for the coming two-year cycle, and consider how you’d like to go about achieving those new goals.

Mars Transiting the 12th House: Aquarius
A frustrating transit by any definition, you’ll find this is not the time to take action but to reflect on subconscious motivations for actions and behaviors. A feeling of being misunderstood can prevail, and you may realize you’ve been giving others the wrong impression during the preceding months. The house of hidden enemies, you may find unknown adversaries come out of the woodwork under this transit. Do not participate in confrontational discussions with others, but rather look inward and examine the role you’ve been playing in conflicts with others, while also preparing for a new two-year cycle in which you’re able to redefine the self and start any new projects and goals.


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